Hi all. This is my first post in the new boards, but I've been hanging around here for many years.
Firstly thanks to posters on the board, I was looking for a new spot to head with the camera & new lens. After reading reports (and waiting an eternity for a quasi-sunny day) I thought I'd head to the Spit and see if I could find some Owls. It was a great day for it!
While the hike was a 9am-4pm gruelling effort I'm still sore from, the results were entirely worthwhile. I heard from other birders that there was a Long-eared Owl in the area, but I couldn't find him. I did manage to find what I believe was 3 different Great Horned, a Barred Owl, and also saw a Snowy on one of the heavily nested peninsulas, but couldn't catch a shot of him.
Other than the owls, I found the bird activity fairly sparse, some chickadees, sparrows, not much else. I did manage to find the remains of a rabbit, not a nice sight but that's nature at work for you.
Anyways, here's some of my shots. I haven't had time to do any post-processing (other than convert from RAW), the Owl closeups are uncropped. Equipment is Canon 30D, Kenko 1.4x teleconverter (not all shots), with Canon 100-400 IS/L, my new baby
Edit - photos now post-processed