When I first joined this forum I had just started to photograph birds and so I was eager to show off my photos no matter how bad they were. As my skills increased I started posting better quality shots. I soon noticed that there were (and still are) some people on here that would consistently post amazing photos so I tried and possibly did improve the quality of my shots a bit more, some of which I posted. Then I got to the point where I was looking for 'The Shot' (you know the one, great IQ, interesting pose, pleasing background) and seldom posted cuz the shots just didn't measure up.
I woke up one morning and realized that I don't have that artistic sense that separates a good photo from a great one so I stopped trying for 'The Shot'. Now I'm happy just to get a good shot or a pleasing one and I only post now and then, usually shots I like or those of birds that we don't see posted here too often.
Of course I'd still like to get 'The Shot', it's just that I'm no longer disappointed with the good shots that I do get.