Common Raven Nest at Portlands Energy Centre
Outdoor Ontario

Common Raven Nest at Portlands Energy Centre


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    • Posts: 5
The Common Ravens are back nesting on the west stack of the Portlands Energy Centre. Yesterday Thursday Mar 12, one was on the nest (the one with the missing flight feather which can be seen when it flies). Last year they nested on the east stack. In both cases the nest is/was on the top catwalk facing east, in exactly the same relative location.
I could see the head with binoculars while standing well back to the east along Unwin Ave. A spotting scope gives even better views.
I have been in contact with PEC management both last year and this year and they have been terrific in accommodating the Ravens, delaying maintenance and cleanup activities until nesting was complete. They continue to be pretty excited to have been picked by this pair of Ravens.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »