I didn't get out again much in February due to work and rotten weather, but when I did I tried to take advantage of it. It also seems that my photography didn't suffer as much as I thought from winter 2015 weather; as of the end of February I had photographed 36 bird species and at the end of February 2014 I had photographed 36 species. Below is a selection from each day and I have the link to my website below if you would like to see more.
Common Redpoll, Ashbridges Bay. February 6th.
After several attempts trying to locate them at several locations, I finally got them here. Thanks again Kris.

Song Sparrow, Humber Bay Park. February 13th.
I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of these Sparrows very soon.

Evening Grosbeak, High Park. February 15th.
The first time I have seen one that wasn't up at Algonquin.

From the 16th to the 26th I was in Edmonton working at a trade show. I managed to get out for a few hours on the 25th and those photos are posted in the Non-Ontario Birds section.
Red-tailed Hawk, Lynde Shores Conservation Area. February 27th.
There wasn't much left of that squirrel when I found this guy.

Bald Eagle, Tommy Thompson Park. February 28th.
I was watching the ducks at Unwin Avenue when everything - ducks, geese, and swans - took flight. I wondered what had caused the commotion then looked up.

Herring Gull, Ashbridges Bay. February 28th.
Nothing special, but I hadn't photographed one yet for 2015.

Rock Pigeon, Bluffer's Park. February 28th.
I really couldn't believe it when I found this pure white Pigeon and I believe it is an Albino.