Today was a very quiet day in the park, I would have thought I had the whole place to myself other then one other photographer/birder and a few dog walkers. The Harlequin Duck still eludes me but I did have my first good look at some White-winged Scoters!! I also saw Red-breasted Merganser (male), Long-tailed Ducks, more Greater Scaups, and a Red-necked Grebe all by himself. And to start spring off right, the Red-winged black birds are coming in (I think I counted 10 but I'm sure there was more) and a handful of Robins.
Male White-winged Scoter
Female White-Winged Scoter
Red-breasted Merganser-Male (so Handsome!!)
happy birding to all! Spring is here (well...almost)