Outdoor Ontario



  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 381
Quick noon tour of the Rattray found a few migrants.

At least 2 Golden Crowned Kinglets were very active in the bushes and small trees near the Old Poplar parking lot entrance path. (I know they can winter over, but these seemed very fresh and well fed and also I could swear they were puzzled by the lack of insects on the branch tips.)

2 pair of Hooded Mergansers in the pond at the end of Sheridan Creek before the outlet to Lake Ontario. Shy, they were moving fast into the harder to see part of the water.

Residents included
Red Bellied Woodpecker, male, calling very loudly and showing off near intersection of Old Poplar path and main path (near the invasive species poster).
Hairies and Downies drumming various places.

Didn't see the pair of Coopers' today. No ash tree removal underway at noon, so possibly they've moved back over to that side of the park again.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »