Unwin Bridge 01/04
Outdoor Ontario

Unwin Bridge 01/04


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    • Posts: 29
Hi everyone.

I am so sorry this was such a late posting. I was in Toronto for 24 hours then returned to the UK and forgot to report back. Now in New Jersey and I remembered my duties!

I went to the wet (not even damp) woods hoping for woodcock (failed) and to Unwin Bridge hoping for Tundra Swan. The only swans present were 2 mutes but a good collection of duck were there.

Black Duck
C Goldeneye
Scaup ( think all wre Greater but I wasn't really checking)
Long-tailed Duck
C Merganser
R B Merganser

Also present was a Horned Grebe and a couple of Tree Sparrows.

next to the bridge I found a Mockingbird in full song. It flew to the north side of the road and despite spending another half hour in the area I neither saw or heard it again.

I'm back in Toronto in May. More reports then I hope.
Have a great spring migration
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »