Stopped by the sanctuary yesterday morning and had a nice chat with Bruno, the last of the original "caretakers". He still tends to the feeders most mornings, carefully refilling and repairing as needed. He has not seen any of the Evening Grosbeak that dazzled us last winter, but is keeping a close eye out for anything unusual. His only complaint is the never ending parade of off-leash dogs that run amok through the area leaving their poop behind them.
I counted 11 species at the feeders, with large numbers of each: House Finch, Goldfinch, Junco, Chickadee, both Nuthatches, Cardinal, Downy, Hairy, Mourning Dove and House Sparrow. Surprised not to find any Tree Sparrows in the mix. I heard a Flicker calling in the distance but it did not approach the feeders.
p.s. If you are unfamiliar with the "Bird Sanctuary", it is a small area in the north east corner of High Park, filled with home made feeders. The easiest way to find it is to walk down the path directly across from the hockey rink. Towards the bottom of the hill you will find a small trail on your right just before the big piles of dirt. Follow this trail a short distance and look for all the feeders!