I was sitting down at Lake Ontario in Port Credit today (Fri. Mar. 21) watching an absolutely fascinating display being put on by 4 male Red-breasted Mergansers for the benefit of one female. They would thrust their necks and beaks high into the air. Their beaks were open but I could not hear the call. Then they would quickly dip down and thrust their rear ends into the air and their crests would flare out. Sometimes they would rush very quickly through the water with necks low, sometimes to try to chase one of the other males away and sometimes to get ahead of the female. They would then turn and face the female and display again. Once and awhile two of the males would display in unison. It was like watching synchronized swimming. The poor female could not escape. She tried diving but three of the males immediately dove after her. At one point another male came flying in and was displaying even before he had come to a stop. I finally stopped watch because my arms were getting sore. Unfortunately I did not have my camera, though they were probably too far out to get a good picture. Spring is here (at least for the birds).