Having just found my first owl in a well-travelled GTA park (that wasn't pointed out to me by someone else) I'm curious what people do with owl sightings. Do you report them on eBird immediately? Do you report them but wait a few weeks? Do you report them to some other program instead? Or do you just not report them?
I've heard anecdotes about people damaging trees to get better sight-lines to roosting owls; scaring owls so much they have to leave an area to get any rest; and generally being ill-mannered (blocking public paths, roads etc with camera gear, illegally parked cars and so on.) I've even read of people catapaulting live mice with slingshots towards owls to get a photo. It's left me questioning whether it's a good idea to report owls publicly on a mechanism like eBird, especially for a small location where it wouldn't be too hard for someone to re-find the bird.
What do you do when you find an owl? Does it depend on the circumstances?