After a slow afternoon yesterday I was pleased to have great birds early this morning. Eight warbler species and many other goodies. 61 species in the park, overhead or in the water nearby. Many attractions were:
Ovenbird, 3 -- two by the west fence near the house and cedar chip path and one at the east end
Nashville, 2
Yellow Warbler, 4
Black-throated Blue, 1
Palm, 4
Pine, one visible and singing and one other possible singer
Yellow-rumped, several throughout the park
Black-throated Green, 1
Also Great-crested Flycatcher, three or more Brown Thrashers, two Blue-headed Vireos, one Lincoln's Sparrow, one Fox Sparrow, lots of White Crowns and White Throats, Carolina and House Wren, a few Hermit thrushes.
For entertainment value, a family of crows was active with the youngsters squeaking and flying/landing rather poorly. The three resident Red Tails were hunting a rock pigeon as a pack and seemed to force it down just out of view. A resident Cooper's Hawk actively hunted as did a falcon too fast for me to ID.