Hummingbird fun
Outdoor Ontario

Hummingbird fun

Howieh · 5 · 1942


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I've had as many as four hummers around at the same time but the last couple of mornings my local male and a female have engaged each other in a 'Mexican Standoff'; I've created several perches by stripping thin branches throughout the yard and he sits above the feeder while she sits below and they stare each other down! :) She(?) usually takes off first and then the fun starts, lots of chasing and chirping and the occasional courtship dance. I've shot quite a bit of video; if I have anything decent I'll post it on Dropbox.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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I was standing against the fence taking pictures of hummers on the feeder (for the purpose of counting how many different birds are still around) when a male showed up! He hovered for a few seconds and but left without feeding; I hope he returns but I have my doubts. My regular male left in late July so it's been at least two weeks since I saw one - does anyone else still have males at their feeders?

Btw, I thought there were two but now there are three, one perched above the feeder and two chasing each other around the yard. I'm taking videos with my SX50 but shooting through the window isn't the best!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

JW Mills

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We have one male. He showed up about a week ago.
Just before he showed up we had another male who hung around for about a week.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Open Channel D


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I got up before sunrise because of leg cramps and there are already two (young?) hummers fighting over the feeder. Most of the time they actually seem to get along (one waits on the nearby perch while the other one feeds) but every so often they get into a serious squabble and one ends up disappearing for a few minutes. After not seeing males since the end of July I've had at least 3 try to approach the feeder during the past week but the 'resident' birds always chase them away. I can't believe all this fun will probably end in less than a month; they certainly will be missed after they're gone!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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In addition to my (at least) 2 regulars, I've had a mature male make three visits to the yard this morning. The first visit was just after sunrise so I couldn't be sure (still pretty dark out!) but he's been back twice at approx. half hour intervals - not sure but this could be my latest mature male sighting ever here, pretty sure I've never seen one in September in the back yard. Unfortunately there was another bird on the feeder during his last visit and he chased it away and didn't return to feed. Is it possible he's still in the mood? :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »