I've had regular visits from Yellow Warblers in the backyard for the last week, but in the last two days there have been 9 or more at one time on a few occasions. They chase each other around and frequently other birds as well. All the breeding birds seemed to have bumper crops this year and not as many cowbird chicks. Catbirds are abundant and are constantly poking around the backyard. You know it's pretty much August when the Willow/Alder Flycatchers show up and they have. In the last couple of days I've had visits from Northern Waterthrush, Hairy and Downy and Northern Flicker woodpeckers, Cardinals with their young (only 1 cowbird chick among the many Cardinals). Other warblers are starting to trickle through although not easy to identify. Cedar Waxwings are a daily sight as well.