Hi,just for those who dont check Ont Birds,there are many Bohemian Waxwings and a few Cedar Waxwings near Leslie and Lawrence. They have been there several days,behind a condo building eating crab apples. I saw them Sunday...a friend was there this morning in the rain and they were really chowing down,so they likely wont be there much longer if they empty those trees of food.
Parking on Tottenham Road, the first street (a very short block south of
Lawrence and running east off Leslie) is the closest. U can see them in a large bare tree from there,or walk around the corner going past the condo parking area(so as not to enter private property) to the old railway line(abandonned now..allowed to walk there). This is where U can see them eating the apples/berries for extended periods. Good luck enjoy! A treat to see them right in the city.