Enthusiastic bird-watchers with binoculars, or all-seeing spotting scopes far out-number bird photographers. Among photographers those with a DSLR and long glass are indeed fewer still. As a result of this demographic the photography section of this site doesn't see all that much action. Photographers equipped with a point-and-shoot camera, or bridge camera likely feel somewhat intimidated by the results achieved (and posted) by long glass and a robust sensor. Not being able to bring into range and into tack-sharp focus a distant and elusive bird might, I think, deter a shortsighted photo enthusiast from submitting the fruit of their efforts for the perusal and pleasure of site visitors. Let's face it, amateur photographers just love looking at pictures, and they often find other peoples offerings more compelling than their own. That's a safe assumption, ego notwithstanding
I urge photographers with modest camera gear to embrace bird photography, not exclusively of course, but any way they can. Simply let the optical limits of your gear guide you to select your subjects in a more expansive fashion.Forget about the frustration of trying to fill your viewfinder, or LCD screen with a tiny frenetic warbler. Create a bigger overall picture of birds within their natural habitat whereby the environment is integral to the image captured. Please just feel free to shoot pictures of birds being awesome. We all agree they are awesome otherwise we wouldn't be chasing after them everywhere. Let the habitat be as important as the bird(s). Confound the perceived imperative of hunting down one individual bird. Celebrate your bird discovery with all the environmental embellishments that lead you to the find in the first place. Consider posting shots of birds, even groups of birds at a distance, well within the capabilities of short glass and a small sensor. Let's hear from all of you out there, all of you bird enthusiasts with point-and-shoot gear. What have you seen lately? What bird-themed scene have you encountered?
For my part, having used a Canon G9 for a couple of years to shoot birds, I know how frustrating it can sometimes become. I'm using an entry-level DSLR now with short glass, but the principle of the bigger picture remains valid and applicable. From time tot time I'll post a bird themed picture under the heading BIRDS IN PERSPECTIVE, shots that did not happen at the end of heavy-weight glass. Some taken with that diminutive Canon G9. I invite all interested parties to contribute to this site before it becomes moribund. To paraphrase Fox Mulder from the X-files .... the birds are out there, ... somewhere.