Hint for Boxer: Yes, it is sitting within a nesting cavity but not a natural one as its
moniker would suggest.
Hint for Otto: It spends most of its time on the ground or on what is likely found
on or over the ground. It family resemblance has already been mentioned. I took
the shot in September of this juvenile bird.
Hint for Vixen: There is a soft colour just visible that serves as moniker.
Blitzen has a big brother that is actually less related than visual appearance
would suggest despite partially sharing a moniker with its larger doppelganger.
Rudolf is not a Baird's SP but it could share the stage with one. In fact, as I recall
it did indeed share the theatre with a few juvenile Baird's sandpipers. These guys
arrived in a group, threw their weight around despite being no bigger than its more
abundant cousins that were already patrolling the stage but got a lot more excited
and energetic after the Rudolfs arrived. For a while there it was quite a party.
Rudolf JR is a completely unrelated species that was inappropriately titled by the goof behind
the keyboard but junior could also share the stage with both Blitzen and Rudolf. Junior does
enjoy shorelines but also has a penchant for refuse.