Oshawa Second Marsh 7am to 9;30am
1 Little Gull and 9 Bonaparte's in the marsh.
Offshore in Lake Ontario there were another 4 Little Gulls and 85
Bonaparte's foraging on ghost midge hatch on Beaton's Reef.
Beaton's Reef is the remnants of Beaton's Point it is a shallow water reef
that runs se from the gravel bar beach bordering Darlington Provincial Park
and McLaughlin Bay Reserve. To access this area from the Second Marsh GM
platform, walk south to Lake Ontario and head east (left) along the beach
till you come to the gravel bar.
Other species observed this morning included 2 Osprey, 24 species of
waterfowl (20 in the Second Marsh, the other 4 in Lake Ontario) including
the resident Canvasback Drake, 34 Ruddy Ducks, 56 White-winged Scoters, 63
Common Loons and 5 Red-necked Grebes in the lake, and newly arrived Field
and Savannah Sparrows
Bonniebrae Point lake watch 6:30-8pm
Counters myself and Rayfield Pye
With clear skies and a light south wind, the evening was right for Grebe
546 Red-necked Grebes
29 Horned Grebes
21 White-winged Scoters
11 Common Loon
1 Little Gull
148 Bonaparte's Gulls
1 Forster's Tern
Oshawa Second Marsh
Exit from the 401 at the Harmony Rd. Exit(419) in Oshawa. Go south on
Farewell St. Colonel Sam Drive. Turn East onto Colonel Sam Drive and follow
to the parking lot at the GM Headquarters. Park in the west parking lot
close to the marsh. The east (GM) platform is visible from the NW corner of
the lot.
For a trail map of the Oshawa Second marsh area visit
www.secondmarsh.com and check the link for a trail map of
the area.
Bonniebrae Point
Bonniebrae point in situated on Lake Ontario between Thickson's woods and
Oshawa Second Marsh.
From the 401 Take either exit 417 Simcoe st (eastbound only) or 418 Ritson
road. Take either Ritson rd. or Simcoe St south from the 401. Where Ritson
and Simcoe st intersect (firehall on North side of intersection), take
Simcoe st south towards the lake. At Oshawa Harbour take a right onto
Lakeview Park Ave. Turn left on either Kluane Ave or Birchcliffe ave. Both
these streets end at the Bonniebrae point parking lot.