Wet woods: week of May 1
Outdoor Ontario

Wet woods: week of May 1

Guest · 2 · 1638


  • Guest
shit, it's been a while since i've posted.

went to Wet Woods today. greeted by 2 thrashers right near the parking lot.
lots of ruby crowned kinglets and various sparrows. like, everywhere.
some yellow rumped, one palm, one pine, one vireo.
two mockingbirds, one flicker.

saw another birder later (downtown of all places) and he said a whip-poor-whil was flushed by some birders.]

i also talked to some Conservancy people that were in the parking lot. complained about the state of the woods. we need to get some volunteers together this week to take care of the garbage there. near Marina Rd, there are two Toronto trashcans overturned. Still a suitcase and its contents in a good birding spot in the middle of the woods. There's a giant tent with a resident on the west side of the tall trees. kind of gross, since there aren't any real bathrooms in the woods. those ain't rain puddles you're standing in. anyways, his tent's in a very good birding spot.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


  • Guest
Spent an hour today.
hermit thrush
yellow rumped
black and white
waterthrush (heard LOUDLY, did not see)
sharp shinned hawk

other birders reported an ovenbird and a wilson's.
so many damn sparrows today. it was nuts.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »