Hi All,
I was going through my photos from my recent (May 8th) visit to Point Pelee and was wondering if I could get some help with some id's.
I labelled this one as a Chipping Sparrow, but I'm not convinced on my IDing of most sparrows
This one was quite small in size leading me to think it's a Golden-crowned Kinglet?
Possible Female Orchard Oriole?
Some type of Vireo?
Another Vireo?
Female Duck - Possibly a Mallard, but the colors & pattern don't seem to match to what I'm used to seeing
Some type of hawk (unless it's flashing a red tail, I can't tell most hawks apart)
Another hawk
Maybe a flycatcher?
Warbler? Vireo? I can't seem to find anything matching in my bird books....
Fairly small, 1 white wing bar, wings olive shaded
Thanks everyone!