Ashbridges update
Outdoor Ontario

Ashbridges update


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The cold-front brought stormy winds on the east side of the spit making it too inclement for me to explore. I’m such a suck. The bay-side was still breezy in spots and quite cold but there were a great number of Kinglets (both flavours). The base-lands favoured Ruby-crowned and the southern precinct of the spit had many visiting Golden-crowned.
Present in numbers as well were dark morph White-throated sparrows and quite a few Hermit thrush.
Also spotted: Winter wren, light morph WT sparrow, adult WC sparrow, Eastern Phoebe, Least flycatcher, N. Flicker, Kingfisher, Magnolia warbler, Palm warbler, Redstart, BT Green warbler, Brown Creeper, Juvenile Blackpoll (or Pine), and Junco.
A Red fox made an appearance (twice) and seemed peeved that I hadn't quit the area yet.
It was always partially concealed by shrubs so I couldn't get a clear shot of it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »