Thanks for posting your photos.
Isn't it always the case that something appears when your camera is elsewhere, or when
your battery is recharging ... an occurrence so frequent that it might be viewed as a
technique for conjuring a sighting.
Your thrush has a very dark and plain-looking face, as well as a ruddy blush on what little
of the upper side of tail that can be seen (first and third picture)and therefore suggests
that this might not be a Swainson's thrush.
The buff around the eye and ear area tends to give the Swainson's a brighter and friendlier face.
The eye ring on the Swainson's is quite bold and conspicuous while merely detectable on
the Hermit, in which case it is less beige and more creamy. Your underexposed through-
the-window capture does show a notable eye ring, although not exactly bold. Hard to say.
The warmer tone I just barely pick-up may be just my blood-shot eyes. Jealousy occurs
through green eyes so that's not the cause. Let's hope it returns to be scrutinized under the
power of your big lens. I've photographed thrushes so infrequently that I still can't quickly
identify the species.