50 Shades of May
Outdoor Ontario

50 Shades of May


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« Last Edit: February 15, 2023, 02:33:26 PM by Shortsighted »


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Only three months to go...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Maybe in 30 years, I will be able to take a pic that's as good as those...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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    • http://www.flickr.com/photos/60250038@N02/
With photos like these no wonder you like May. Was the photo of the Sanderling taken in 2017 in Ashbridges Bay in Woodbine Beach area? That was the first time I got one in its breeding plumage.

By the way I like August because of this  :D :
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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@ ShortSighted....wait...what? Those are spectacular pix! What's the ID on the photo between blue headed vireo and the Lincoln Sparrow....and were you wandering around when you took the pix or did you sit in one spot and wait for whatever popped along? Actually that's a question for all of you who have taken spectacular pix..

@Dinusaur...well done! spectacular shot....where?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Dinu, your Osprey shot is terrific. What's the caption? "What, wait ... you mean I need a fishing licence?"
I've only seen an osprey on two occasions. Once as a fly-over at the mouth of the Rouge and once high up
in a tree on the far side of a pond on the west side of the Markham/Durham Town line road. At that distance
there was no way to get a meaningful photo with my shortsighted optical capability. The pond is too far away for
repeated visits on the chance that it might be closer at some point.

The Sanderling photo in the 50 Shaded of May series was not taken at Ashbridges, although I recall seeing
Sanderling there as well. The Ashbridges birds did not display full breeding plumage and were still developing
their sartorial statement. The pictured Sanderling was taken at CSS on the rocks at Whimbrel point in the last
few days of May. I've attached a few shots of the Ashbridges Sanderling below:

Axeman, with a handle like yours I may take special care not to piss you off. Then again, you are probably a master of the electric axe and you are not likely
to threaten me with that cherished item. The bird between the Blue-headed vireo and the Lincoln sparrow is a female B&W warbler taken at Ashbridges.
I only had my 18-135mm with me at the time so I needed to take care and not introduce myself at first sight but gradually be accepted as a harmless groupie.
Still, even with my 200mm the approach proves to be just as tentative. I have favourite sub-sites at any given location and I move about from one to another and repeat as needed. When I don't see anything at first I may remain motionless (standing or sitting on my square of foam mat) until something reveals itself, which often happens. If I see activity right of the bat then I may hunker-down for a long squat. Movement on my part is restricted to only what is needed and I only do that slowly and often look away not to present my face. If you have ever seen my face you will understand.  Even if nothing appears it serves as a rest and a chance for a sip of thermos coffee or one of my sandwiches, which always taste better outside. Thanks for asking.

It looks like Paul O'Toole is going down to the Caribbean for birding. I swear, if he comes back with Snowy Owl shots from there I will stick a fork in my eye.
Then I'll hunt him down with my remaining good eye and shake his hand.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Ed O'Connor

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Thanks for posting this strip of photos, Shortsighted. I looked through it on one of the drearier days of February, and it warmed the cockles of my heart. Considering the state of my cockles, that's really saying something. Ironically, I think I liked the first photo--of the Bank Swallow--the best. There's an art to bringing out the subtle charms of a dull-plumaged bird, and you seem to have mastered it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »