Thanks Meghan, depends who you ask; Doc says I'm ok, but then, he doesn't live on pain killers so what does he know?? My hummingbird feeder IS my Oriole feeder(!) and they seem to get along with the hummers who are usually happy to wait their turn to feed. First sighting of 2018 was on May 3 (about a week earlier than usual) but I don't think they will arrive early this year because of the lousy weather. Btw, do your orioles hang around all summer? Mine are usually gone by the end of May.
Axeman, I'm surprised you have hummers and not much action at your feeders. My neighbour has some plainly visible honeysuckle which is completely ignored by the hummers who always head straight for my feeder. I'm not sure it matters but is your feeder close to a protective area where they hide if danger threatens? FWIW, my feeder is the standard 4 flower Perky-Pet, complete with ant moat that works really well until it dries up! Only problem is a bit of leakage but the hummers love it.