I took a bike ride on my lunch today and spotted a pair of Buffleheads (male and female) floating around in what looks like a pond but i think is actually a sewage basin. I'm new at birding so my eye may not be as keen at properly identifying some of the species I've seen. I also saw what I beleive was a Purple Finch, a male and female pair of those too. Then I saw a tiny little guy with a red tuft on it's crown, and from my guide book I labelled that one a Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, but like I said I'm a newcomer to this. There is also a Northern Flicker that is there pretty well everytime I take a ride down that trail. There were some birds that were skimming across the lake, flying really low and fast but I couldn't identify them. They looked dark in colour with now noticable marking. I had my binoculars but couldn't make out anything. Any Idea's as to what they may have been? I really enjoy looking at everyone's photos and hope to have some photo taking equipement of my own someday.