I know what you mean. Two species in the same frame is certainly attention worthy
even if they are rather ordinary bird species and even if the shot is not as well-captured
as normally desired. It occurs so infrequently that excitement ensues despite the subjects
displaying no dynamic interaction nor engaged in clever shenanigans. Of course, when that
happens it goes viral. It has made me think about the odd pairing of birds and double species
captures which I have posted:
Mallard and Scaup - OK Mal, I swear I saw a shark. So, what's the plan ... exactly.
Gray Catbird and Eastern Kingbird - The king teaches its subject how to fly catch ... ya, right.
Cardinal and Downy woodpecker ... What's black and white and red?
Tree sparrow and Hairy woodpecker showing admirable tolerance for each other
Female Common Merganser and Red-breasted Merganser showing inter-species collaboration
Semipalmated sandpiper, Dunlin and Ruddy Turnstone sharing the same small stage
Chipping sparrow baby sitting for the neighbour
Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs walking the perimeter - Ah, hero worship.
OK, these are RARE birds indeed. One is Airfix and the other isn't. One is a bomber and the other a fighter, but they are both 1/72 scale models so at least they have that in common. I'll admit the scene has been staged. I couldn't help myself.