I'm happy to report I still have at least 2 hummers (trying to) visit the feeder but I'm sad to report that the feeder has been taken over by bald faced hornets. The hummers aren't feeding much because they are either being chased away by the hornets or by each other! Btw, whoever said don't take a knife to a gunfight, stalk elephants with a peashooter, etc., was probably right because up until last week I was swatting them with a fly swatter then stomping them on the ground, which works great until you miss...got stung on my M finger...lesson learned!

Somebody across the street called the city (311) to report a huge nest over the sidewalk and since they don't work at night they came the next morning to remove the nest, which was about ten feet off the ground. He used a long pruner to cut it down and when it fell on the street he sprayed and bagged it before taking it away - bare arms and no head cover, claimed about 30 removals this summer and never been stung, probably pushing his luck but what do I know??