Hi everyone. I've mainly been offline since Aug. 10th with a mild concussion.
Tripped and fell at top of stairs, hit my head against a red brick wall (80's stucco), major gash, blood pouring from head to toe - looked like the original "Carrie" movie prom scene - ambulance to local hospital Emergency Room, 18 staples to my head!, head wrapped up. Also received a Tetanus shot - I was more afraid of receiving this needle. Doctor said I'm tough, didn't even flinch when he was doing the head staples and this was with no freezing either.
Anyhow, one week later went to my family doctor and he removed the staples - quick, easy and painless. Told I have a mild concussion.
For a few weeks, I was feeling really lousy - headache, dizzy/light headed - walking quite wobbly, nauseous, metallic taste in my mouth, blocked up ears, sensitivity to bright light and loud noises.
It's now pretty much down to headaches, blocked up ears and loud noises. Changes in weather aren't helping either.
Told by family doctor to expect 2 more months of symptoms - this after the already 6 weeks. (sigh)
Feeling really frustrated and impatient with wanting to feel better soon! Told to take Tylenol and get some rest/sleep. Also, to take a break from computer use, watching any tv or movies.
OK - just felt like telling everyone what's been going on. Still seeing lots of birds (nothing rare or unusual), butterflies, dragonflies and wildlife - raccoons, skunks, squirrels, etc. in downtown Mississauga.
Apparently walking isn't good for concussions but can only nap/rest/sleep so much! I find that short walks and fresh air to be good.