Yes, I believe it to be a juvenile Swamp sparrow ... for what my guess is worth.
It is an unremarkable sparrow as far as livery is concerned, nor does it have a
noteworthy song/call. Its notoriety mostly stems from its secretive nature and
is therefore often unseen or overlooked when it flashes into view for a second.
That in itself makes it a bird to photograph as far as I'm concerned. This juv
was spotted on the southern edge of Cranberry Marsh in Whitby. I noted a group
of sparrows moving back and forth so I sat on my mat, leaned against my backpack
right next to a log that they seemed to alight on. Sure enough, they did so again
and I did my thing. The light was not great and my old T4i does not perform well
at high ISO but I did get a few shots that I'm satisfied with. I've posted to the
shot that the ID snippet came from and my favourite shot of that session.

Unknown #6