Ally, you say you did not see any migratory warblers during August, September and
this month but eBird reports from the usual sites have posted sightings of warblers,
albeit a dearth in number, and no mention of whether they were all juvenile birds.
Since I am housebound I cannot offer a synopsis of the fall migration from my own
experience of this season. There has certainly been little activity along the edge of
the wooded area across the street and within the backyard, despite the deposition
of ample birdy num-nums, (I miss Peter Sellers). The quiet season is worrisome and
a drag for someone like yourself that has only recently purchased a long lens that now
sits idle. I recall mentioning that you have all those fall migratory warblers to look for-
ward to, a great time to practice your capture technique and identification skills. What
a let-down. May I therefore offer you an ID challenge, although not much for a challenge
for someone that has learned so much so fast.
Unknown #1