As you know, Egrets are also herons and the only one I've ever seen that carries a rosy-buff blush on its crown, especially at breeding time, is the Cattle Egret
that feeds on insects roused into movement by grazing cattle and wild grass-feeders on the Savannah.
So, you are mostly after raptors and accipiters, eh. You like to start at the top of the food chain. Impressive!
Good luck with that. Your aspirations are on a different plain than mine. I thought I would start, like a grunt, with
more common birds that are easier to find. After five years I have still not made much discovery in the realm of
the top of the food chain. You might need to take a cue from Dinu and spend a lot of time in the car chasing eagles
and camping out at Osprey marshes. Not a bad life if you ask me.