Worm-eating Warbler, White-rumped Sandpiper Oshawa Second Marsh area
There was a good fallout of warblers around the Oshawa Second marsh area.
Worm-eating Warbler 1 Singing and skulking bird just south of the GM platform. The bird was in
the stand of trees just south of the GM platform. It was moving through the
dogwood/raspberry understory. Several warblers were moving slowly north from
Cool Hollow towards Ghost Road Woods all morning.
White-rumped Sandpiper1 bird present in Jim's Pond. The pond presently has mudflats and
approximately 40 shorebirds (7 species) present.
Other highlights
19 Species of warblers most in Cool Hollow including Connecticut, Canada,
Bay-breasted, Cape May, Mourning, Wilson's, Tennessee
Flycatchers: Least, Willow, Alder, Yellow-bellied, Eastern Wood-Pewee, and
Eastern Kingbird
1 Gray-cheeked Thrush
1 Sora foraging on the mudflats in Jim's Pond
1 Green Heron
4 American Wigeon
Several Orchard and Baltimore Orioles
Total species seen this morning 96
Exit from the 401 at the Harmony Rd. Exit(419) in Oshawa. Go south on
Farewell St. Colonel Sam Drive. Turn East onto Colonel Sam Drive and follow
to the parking lot at the GM Headquarters. Park in the west parking lot
close to the marsh. The east (GM) platform is visible from the NW corner of
the lot.
For a trail map of the Oshawa Second marsh area visit
www.secondmarsh.com and check the link for a trail map of
the area.