What are you possibly loaded down with?
You must carry an impressively robust lunch.
Every good expedition needed bearers, preferably newbie's
that are tagging along so that you can impart your acquired
wisdom of the wild and photo skills. They don't pay, they
just carry. Yet, I know what you mean. It doesn't necessarily
seem like much kit but it drags you down after a while and
on the split it is a long while. The foam piece of mat is not
really weight, just bulk. It would be great to be 30 years old
again and be able to carry stuff without having pain or general
discomfort beyond the pain of losing a shot opportunity that
you should have been prepared for. I can always take an Acetaminophen
for a backache but there is no therapeutic dose for stupidity.
You know, distracted by one thing to miss another better thing.
Finding out your camera settings are way off because of a unique
photo situation that never worked out anyway and then forgetting
to reset the controls for the usual subject when it suddenly appears.
They say artificial intelligence can learn but I can't even do that, just
make the same mistakes over and over again. Maybe you can get
a third party, another set of eyes to go over your usual kit and try
to pare it sown, Do you really need the solar-powered coffee pot?