That's a hunka-hunka love on a platter. To be so generous with seed, all served buffet style in an ornamental bowl
ripe with patina and charm. Your backyard birds have a co-operative relationship. You have taught
them well Effendi. I have not seen a cardinal in the backyard all winter although I've seen them
fly across the road to the adjacent woodlot farther down the street. My seed is not good enough for
those red devils. Usually there is either nothing in the yard or there is a lone junco. For a few minutes
today a mixed group of marauders showed up: five juncos, three chickadees, a Downy, a Hairy, a Tree
sparrow and a WB nuthatch. They departed as abruptly as they arrived. Just passing through.
That's a nice wingspan shot of the RTH. A regular?