Spring Migration in real-time
Outdoor Ontario

Spring Migration in real-time


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Yesterday (April 29) I joined Audubon's Spring Migration webcast and came to know about a few interesting tidbits about migration. Dr. Adriaan Dokter from Cornell Lab was in hand to explain a few things about migration including the question about why birds migrate at night (I am leaving it un-answered to give others opportunity to list the possible reasons), how song birds take advantage of tail wind from a hurricane achieving speed up to 80-90 miles/hour and Common Swifts can stay in the air for 10 months. He also presented a real-time map of current North American bird migration activities based on radar and satellite images. Here's the link if anybody is interested.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Paul O'Toole

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A good resource, maybe with the Lows we are getting today and over the next day or so will bring in some spring migrants.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »