Snakes of Cameron Ranch
Outdoor Ontario

Snakes of Cameron Ranch

gary yankech

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Went up to Kawartha Lakes looking for early spring wildflowers. Found four snakes.

Smooth Green Snake
Smooth Green Snake by Yankech gary, on Flickr

Dekay's Brown Snake
Dekay's Snake by Yankech gary, on Flickr

Redbelly Snake
Northern Redbelly Snake by Yankech gary, on Flickr

Northern Redbelly Snake by Yankech gary, on Flickr

Eastern Garter Snake
Eastern Garter Snake by Yankech gary, on Flickr
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Gary Yankech


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Fabulous pix!

Some of those guys must have been really hard to spot...the other day I spotted a garter snake in some early brush...I picked it up to look at it...then set it back down....and realized I had completely missed a second garter lying right beside it....and later on that day I found another garter under the stairs to my deck...whoohooo....that was a good day....not as good as yours though...Dekay's Brown Snake is a new one for thanks for that!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »