Duck Id
Outdoor Ontario

Duck Id


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I know this isn't much to go on, but the characteristics have me clueless. I can't even make a guess at what it might be.

I saw this bird along the humber river last night and as it flew by the shape caught by attention. It was flying north and it was alone.

Anyways, the bird has an odd head shape, with the head sloping down into bill, and the overall shape is off. The bird has a dark belly with a pale rump and a dark patch on the top of the head, above and behind the eye. There is a white line under the wing, and a trailing white edge. I know this is hard to see in the pictures, but these characteristics are consistent. Finally, there is some light patterning on the breast. It is possible this is a trick of the light but I don't think so as the lines are in the exact same spot across two of the photos.

I edited one photo to make it very over-exposed to make the head pattern more obvious and show the details under the wing.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


http://[url=https][img][/img]AAM_5230-Updated by Wild Ontario Photography - Jax Nasimok, on Flickr[/url]

http://[url=https][img][/img]AAM_5231-Updated by Wild Ontario Photography - Jax Nasimok, on Flickr[/url]

http://[url=https][img][/img]AAM_5229-Updated by Wild Ontario Photography - Jax Nasimok, on Flickr

http://[url=https][img][/img]AAM_5231-Updated-2 by Wild Ontario Photography - Jax Nasimok, on Flickr[/url]

http://[url=https][img][/img]AAM_5232-Updated by Wild Ontario Photography - Jax Nasimok, on Flickr[/url]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Eider duck.
Nice find.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Yes, agree with female eider. Not sure if it's possible to determine if it's a King Eider or Common Eider from the pictures. Both have occurred very rarely in southern Ontario in June.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »