Treasures like seeing a thrush eating a tiny snake happens all the time but there
is seldom anyone around to see it. The thing is, nothing escapes Ally's scrutiny.
I tried to convey early on that one of the best techniques in nature photography
without even having GREAT equipment is to venture out every chance you get and
to get an alarm clock so that the adventure starts early. Ally has embraced that
philosophy and that is why a robin eating a snake has made it onto the hit-parade.
Of course, if there is anything interesting at Humber that passes under Ally's radar
then Dinu is the agent to locate it, shoot it, (stack it if necessary) and bring it to our
attention. I would only get in everyone's way if I were there ... even if I could be there.
Thankfully to all, there is no chance of that happening in my current situation.