Local woodlot - Sept 5th in western Pickering:
10 am - mostly sunny at that time of day but I could only locate a few warblers on the portion of the street-side woodlot
on the south side, a site that was in shadow ... naturally. Spotted a couple of Am. Redstart, a RE vireo, and
Willow flycatcher. The portion of the woodlot that was well lit by the morning sun (west side) was completely
quiet ... no birds, except a Cardinal. The vegetation next to the roadway is rich with bushes and vines bearing
small clusters of grapes.
2 pm - Another Willow flycatcher, a single Am. Redstart (again), 1 x Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 1 x Chestnut-sided
warbler, 1 x Common Yellowthroat, and possibly another Canada warbler but I didn't see it long enough to assure
the ID. A sudden buzz-flutter that I detected about a meter from my right ear turned out to be a single hummingbird
that hovered and stared at me like I was some sort of unconventional feeder. It's a good thing I didn't have my mouth
open at the time. Maybe it was my glass of Rioja that attracted the hummer.