Well, a dashing tropical seabird showed up in Lake Ontario and hanging out with a group of Cormorants on Wave Tower, a kilometer off of Van Wagner's beach in Hamilton. This is the second time one is seen in Ontario - so naturally it picked my interest. Adding a 2x converter to my 500mm giving me an equivalent of 1000mm of focal length I set out on Thursday afternoon to get a record shot. The first photo is straight out of camera; see if you can spot the Booby. Tough isn't it? So I cropped it, passed it through Gigapixel and came up with the photo in 2. The other two produced the same way. It looked great through the scope; but even 1000mm focal length on a Nikon D5, was not much of any good compared to a bridge camera that has longer reach. Anyway, the last photo was my first sighting of a Brown Booby in Aruba in 2013.
1. Straight out of camera. The booby is on the top hand-rail right of the AC unit. Second photo shows it better after cropping.
2. The same photo after cropping and gigapixeling.
3 & 4: Two other view points.
5. My first sighting of a Brown Booby in Aruba in 2013.