Whimbrel Flight Continuing - Thursday
Outdoor Ontario

Whimbrel Flight Continuing - Thursday

Bruce · 1 · 2267


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    • Posts: 8
The Whimbrel flight is continuing...I had the opportunity to spend 2 quick periods on the lakeshore today and was rewarded with the following:

Col. Sam Smith Park - 7.15am to 7.45am
Groups of (in sequence) 6, 14, 10, 10 and 16.  The first flock of 10 circled for a minute or two, almost overhead, and was joined by the next flock.

Rattray Marsh - 12.15pm to 12.35pm
Single flight of 130-140 at 12.25...quite a sight and definitely a surprise!

Having grown up close to the moors of Northern England, hearing the Whimbrel's Curlew-like call took me back a few years and was a pleasure to hear...

Other birds at Col. Sam Smith Park included:
Spotted Sandpiper - 2
Willow Flycatcher - 2 (calling, thankfully!)
Wood Duck - pair flying inland, overhead

Other birds at Rattray Marsh included:
Red-Necked Grebe - on Lake Ontario, just east of the marsh
Dunlin ~ 10
Semipalmated Plover - 3-5
Least Sandpiper - 5-10
Spotted Sandpiper - 2 (on beach on the lake side)
Great Egret
(Someone with a scope may have been able to pick out other peeps..there appeared to be a few that were larger than the Leasts but they were too far away to be id'd with binocs alone.)

Good Birding!

Colonel Sam Smith Park is found at the southern end of Kipling Avenue in the west end of Toronto.  Continue as far towards the lake as you can go and the car park is where the road ends.  Watch out for the speed bumps...they are among the most ferocious I know!

Rattray Marsh is located in Mississauga. I use the access from Jack Darling Park, located at 1180 Lakeshore Road West in Mississauga, midway between Southdown Road on the west and Mississauga Road on the east. Park in the last lot, at the lake, and walk West from there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Bruce »