Bright, bold colour is especially impactful when surrounded by prevailing dreariness because there is nothing else competing for the viewer’s attention. By the same rational, a strikingly elemental shape, or form is also noteworthy when embraced by chaos because it serves as a visual anchor. Your scarlet chairs are just the thing whether captured from afar, or made to physically dominate the frame. If you would have approached the chairs and had one on either side of the frame, themselves framing something in the background it might have made a satisfying image. Yes, I know the chairs were occupied at the time and that condition complicates the issue. If the couple were to hold hands, from one chair to the other chair, viewed from behind … a Hallmark moment? Excuse me, I need a moment to gag. OK, I’m over it. Even the fan-shaped chair back, in scarlet livery, against a monochromatic backdrop might have also been a subject. I know, I know, it’s easy for me to suggest this and that when stuck at home without having to do it myself.