It's good to have some context with your photos. Without doubt, the presence of enthusiastically engaged nature photographers is certainly a sure sign of something interesting that might otherwise be missed. I appreciate your ground-level captures, which is a good way to feature a Meadowlark that hasn't presented itself without a stage prop like a fence post or recalcitrant stump. I must presume that the other photographers were not shooting in the prone position, otherwise you might not have seen them, so their poor technique augured well for you as a sign post of sorts. It reminds me of the Bobolink at Ashbridges that confined itself to the grass and demanded a down-to-earth technique when shooting. The other photographers that were present at the time were all acting as lizards, suitably dressed for grass stains. Risking ticks for sure. They were all using at least a 500mm lense, probably with a TC attached, so I had to slither in the grass to advance in increments with my 200mm in order to close the distance. It takes a lot of patience and a thoroughly preoccupied bird.