Algonquin Provincial Park
Outdoor Ontario

Algonquin Provincial Park

gary yankech

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Once again, my annual trip up North, this time it was my older son's first trip up with us. My bird sightings were low this year. It was really cold, and I was practicing my winter tree identifications.  Despite this,  I did see my first Algonquin owl.

Barred Owl by Yankech gary, on Flickr

Canada Jay by Yankech gary, on Flickr

Common Raven by Yankech gary, on Flickr

Pine Grosbeak by Yankech gary, on Flickr

Pine Grosbeak by Yankech gary, on Flickr

Pine Grosbeak by Yankech gary, on Flickr
Gary Yankech


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Wow!! Gray Jay and Pine Grosbeaks! I haven't seen a Gray Jay, one of these days

gary yankech

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Wow!! Gray Jay and Pine Grosbeaks! I haven't seen a Gray Jay, one of these days

If you visit Spruce Bog Boardwalk, you are almost guaranteed to see a Canada Jay at the parking lot. I have only missed them once in the last five years. This year, Red-breasted Nuthatches were everywhere! If you are lucky, you might see a Pine Marten, but I noticed they took the feeders at Spruce Bog.  I suspect because of COVID.  Pine Grosbeaks are fairly common at the feeders below the balcony deck. There you can also find Redpolls, Purple Finches, Evening Grosbeaks, both Crossbills, and Pine Siskins. Last year, I got my first Spruce Grouse at the Boardwalk.  Two birds I still haven't photographed are a Black-backed Woodpecker and a Bohemian Waxwing. Boreal Chickadees are also a tough find, it is in decline in the park. I photographed one in Newfoundland.  Hopefully, one day you'll get a chance to get up North, it is worth it! I did though see Evening Grosbeaks at High Park and Common Redpolls visited my feeders in Scarborough in 2012. Good Luck!
Gary Yankech


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Thanks Gary! You head to AP regularly in winter, right? I've been looking forward to this collection.

There seems to be a bit of an uptick on Barred Owl sightings /

LOVE the PG pix.