Matchedash Bay Barrie/Midland area
Outdoor Ontario

Matchedash Bay Barrie/Midland area

Tyler · 2 · 1648


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On wednesday I was up north of Barrie roaming around Matchedash Bay(wetland just east of hwy 400 beside hwy 12)

1 yellow Rail
1 Green Heron
1 Least Bittern
2 American Bitterns
2 Osprey Nests
Great blue heron rookery 9 nests active out of 11
1 Trumpeter Swan nest and another 9 non breeders in the bay.
1 Sandhill Crane
Warblers 11 species: including 6 Golden-winged, 1 Blue-winged. The parking Lot on Kinnear road(cowan nature trail) had 3 males surrounding the parking lot staking out their turf.

Directions (from Dan Burton Ontbirds report)

Directions- Drive north from Coldwater following the main street out of
town which becomes Upper Big Chute Rd and stay on that until you reach
Kinnear Sideroad, which leads to Matchedash Bay. There is a parking area
just before you reach the bay.

Stopped by Tiny Marsh sw of Midland  Just as the rain hit. And the usually infinity + 1 amount  of Black terns were there. Ok actually there was 41 I could see from the parking lot. Best place I know for this species.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Tyler »


  • Old Timer
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    • Posts: 210
The 3 males were Golden-winged Warblers
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Tyler »