Deer in the burbs
Outdoor Ontario

Deer in the burbs


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Deer may be everywhere but not all the time. A neighbour's bird feeder proved to lure one in yesterday.


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Your neighbour is so nice to let both of the deer and you to be in his yard. Fantastic pics!


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Perhaps more will come YOUR feeder too! :)


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Where in the burbs was that?

Sooooo going back to early 90's....when there was an Olive Garden on the ring road around Square One....a deer broke through the glass of the Olive Garden and was trapped inside the restaurant briefly....and there were patrons who didn't eventually escaped through an open door and was never seen or heard from again.

Deer are more of a "nuisance" to my feeders than squirrels are -- neither are actually a nuisance. To decrease the occurrence of deer tipping my feeders, I put out a cattle food called "Sweet Meal"....they love it and it's cheap....the deer are actually cheaper to feed than the's like $8 or $12 a 50 kg bag which lasts the winter.