Hi All,
Yesterday afternoon I went for a walk through Scarborough Bluffs Park and as always came upon the Northern Mockingbirds that have taken up residence there. Usually I can get quite close to the birds so I can watch and listen to them go through their repertoire of songs and calls. As I was standing there watching and listening to one of them a Blue Jay was heard calling off in the distance. The Mockingbird paused, turned his head in the direction of the call, then started "mocking" the Blue Jay's call. I almost fell over in disbelief!!! I don't know if the bird just learned the call right then or if it remembered it from before. Has anyone else ever seen or heard this instantaneous reaction and response before? I also recognized the sounds of Gulls in the Mockingbird's repertoire. Very very interesting!!!!!
Happy Birding!
Bluffs Birder