I have not posted for a while because someone suggested that I was too constipated to offer an opinion on anything and this proclamation seemed sympathetic with my general lack of enthusiasm, a pervasive ennui that I wore like a straightjacket and made navigating a keyboard impossible. Besides, I’ve been otherwise predisposed with the travails of life, like taking out the garbage and getting lost on the way. Perhaps it was the shock of discovering that my head was not as tumescent as I always believed. It was just a defect in the mirror, now corrected. That means I no longer need to gain weight to support that immense head.
A bigger shock still hit me like percussion when I looked out the window to the backyard. A Hairy woodpecker was stationed on my mock tree trunk even though the suet under the wire mesh was depleted. The Hairy would select a choice peanut from the adjacent cup and then systematically wedge it into the bark so it could successfully hack it down to size. A male cardinal was perched next to the cup waiting for the woodpecker to finish. At that moment the room started to disappear and only the window remained. What happened next was beyond my wildest dreams. The Hairy picked up a peanut while staring at the cardinal, almost as if to taunt him, but then, then, my peripheral vision imploded and the window collapsed to a tunnel focused on the pair of birds and the orchestra reached a crescendo while the chorus cried out a hallelujah. The Hairy stretched toward the cardinal and offered the rich morsel to the cardinal and it was accepted with deference. I blindly flailed in the dark trying to locate my mandible so that I could re-approximate it with my newly resized maxilla and marveled at the behavioral adaptation that I had just witnessed. Had I not built the mock-trunk I would never have seen that behavior. If I had my camera was set up I might actually have captured it. We humans are so polarized that even our divisions are divided and yet two completely different species dine with respect and solidarity.