You could submit the proof, if you feel so inclined, by contacting the Star. I could get up and check the paper again but then I would need to get up from my X-chair. It's not a genuine X-chair, just a chair marked with an "X" using gaffer's tape ... the poor man's X-chair, if you will. I know what you mean about only having video evidence providing poor resolution. I shot a fisher once hauling a salmon out of the water and I just happen to be on video mode with a Canon G-9. I didn't yet own a DSLR at the time. I rarely take videos because it is just so pretentious. Mind you, had I taken a photo I would still not have enough reach and resolution (R&R) to capture a meaningful shot. It had the snout of a fisher, way to big for a mink, and certainly not an otter. It jumped from the bank and hauled the salmon out of the water. There was a guy fishing nearby and realized that his technique was decidedly less successful than the the other mammal's approach.