Yellow-breasted Chat
Outdoor Ontario

Yellow-breasted Chat


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I was in Tommy Thompson Park this morning hoping for a repeat of shorebird fall out like yesterday. Unfortunately it didn't appear to be so. However, before I could explore any further I got to know of a Yellow-breasted Chat (YBCH) in Bronte Creek Provincial Park. I missed a YBCH last year in Tommy Thompson Park; however, this time I decided to give it a try. So I left Tommy Thompson Park at 9:30 and drove to Bronte Creek Provincial Park. Paying a steep entry fee ($18) at the park gate and wondering about for 30 mins I managed to find the location where the bird is hanging around. Within 10 minutes of my arrival I got to see and photograph it - albeit at a distance (first photo). It is good enough for an ID. However, I decided to stick around. Then shortly after 12PM it showed up closer and on an isolated perch (second photo). Another twenty minutes passed by and it came a bit closer and provided better photo opportunity (photo 3 &4). Patience does pay off while it comes to bird watching.


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Thanks for sharing the photos, what a treat. You are certainly not in short supply of patience!


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If you know that a chat is in your midst it's not a burden to hang around for a good shot, no matter the weight of the interval for the task because when you're the photosaurus rex you just know it will, no, it must work out to be great. TTP early on, then all the way to Bronte to get fleeced, all for our pleasure. Clearly, you dabble in the dark art of teleportation. Perhaps not a magician but certainly a wizard. What a great life! When you post I hear music.

Steve Hood

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That is great that you could find it.  I was thinking of going there yesterday but was stuck at work.