The Perfect Shot
Outdoor Ontario

The Perfect Shot


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In this composite, the photo on the left, dubbed 'perfect shot', was taken by Scottish photographer Alan McFadyen; he spent an estimated 6 years, 4,200 hours, and 720,000 exposures trying to nail the perfect symmetrical shot of a kingfisher diving into its reflection. Whereas the photo on the right of a diving Common Tern was taken by me, spending about an hour by a pond in one windy afternoon when the sun was still high on the sky. Moral of the story: if you don't put in time, don't expect to get the result you hope for.


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OUTSTANDING! One hour eh? You make me sick, but I'll get over it, especially after I break a few things.


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In this composite, the photo on the left, dubbed 'perfect shot', was taken by Scottish photographer Alan McFadyen; he spent an estimated 6 years, 4,200 hours, and 720,000 exposures trying to nail the perfect symmetrical shot of a kingfisher diving into its reflection. Whereas the photo on the right of a diving Common Tern was taken by me, spending about an hour by a pond in one windy afternoon when the sun was still high on the sky. Moral of the story: if you don't put in time, don't expect to get the result you hope for.
I like your shot too!


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It's not my fault that GBH doesn't dive ???


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Ally, sometime a muted reflection works best as was in your photo.

Since I posted the first photo about a year ago I had another opportunity to get closer to perfection (the Tern photo to the left in the photo below)- not quire there yet. Needless to say that a Z9 with 20 frames/sec. helped a lot.


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You have a Z9 too? Wow! I knew a guy once who had a Z28. Went like a bat-otta-hell. Does the Z9 have IBIS?